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Burnsville Festival And Fire Muster Medallion Hunt Clue No 1

Burnsville Festival and Fire Muster Medallion Hunt Clue No. 1

The medallion can be found near a medical facility.

Clue: Searching for the medical staff's favorite dinner spot.

According to the database at, the clue refers to the Burnsville Fire Muster Medallion Hunt. The event is not connected with the city government, so the city website does not have any more information about the event.

A web search turns up a lot of information about the medallion hunt, which has been going on for more than 30 years. The hunt generates a great deal of excitement.

The medallion is hidden somewhere in the city of Burnsville, Minnesota. Each year, a series of clues is released, and the first person to solve the clues and find the medallion wins a cash prize.

The first clue for 2023 is: "Searching for the medical staff's favorite dinner spot."

This clue suggests that the medallion is hidden near a medical facility. There are several medical facilities in Burnsville, so it may take some time to narrow down the search.

One possibility is the Burnsville Medical Center. The medical center has a cafeteria that is open to the public. It is possible that the medallion is hidden somewhere in the cafeteria.

Another possibility is the Fairview Ridges Hospital. The hospital has a gift shop that sells food and drinks. It is possible that the medallion is hidden somewhere in the gift shop.

There are also several restaurants located near medical facilities in Burnsville. It is possible that the medallion is hidden near one of these restaurants.

The medallion hunt is a fun way to explore the city of Burnsville. The first clue is a good starting point, but it may take some time to solve the remaining clues and find the medallion.
